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29 min

Should we salute our robot overlords?

Enterprises are looking to ML/AI innovations in data management to accelerate their data strategies and achieve critical business goals. But...

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61 min

Why are we so bad at this modern data stack? w/ Chad Sanderson

In this special episode, Tim and Juan are joined by Chad Sanderson, Head of Product, Data Platform at Convoy, to...

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60 min

Your privacy is my currency

What does the word, “privacy” mean to you? Is it about being left alone? Being forgotten? In today’s world of...

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55 min

The Great Data Mesh Debate!

We're settling this whole data mesh debate the only way we know how: a good old-fashioned debate. Only one side...

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56 min

What is AI Ops with Brandon Gadoci

AI Ops is a new and upcoming role focused on understanding and improving the business process by using AI. In...

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