Mar 22, 2017
Josh Devlin
When working with data, a key part of your workflow is finding and importing datasets. Being able to quickly locate data, understand it and combine it with other sources can be difficult.
One tool to help with this is, where you can search for, copy, analyze, and download datasets. In addition, you can upload your data to and use it to collaborate with others.
In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to use’s Python library to easily work with data from your python scripts or Jupyter notebooks. You’ll need to create a free account to view the data set and follow along.
The Python library allows you to bring data that’s stored in a dataset straight into your workflow, without having to first download the data locally and transform it into a format you require.
Because datasets in are stored in the format that the user originally uploaded them in, you often find great datasets that exist in a less than ideal format, such as multiple sheets of an Excel workbook, where getting them into Python can be a pain. The Python library takes this hassle away, allowing you to easily work with the data in your preferred form.
The first thing you’ll need to do is install the library, which you can do via pip:
pip install git+git://
This will install the library and all its dependent packages. One of the handy things about the library is its command line utility, which allows you to easily store your API token locally. This avoids having to put it in your scripts or notebook and have to worry about sharing your token when you share your work.
First, go to Settings > Advanced in and get your API token:
If you installed the Python library in a virtualenv or Conda env, you will need to activate that environment. Then simply run dw configure
, which will prompt you for your token:
~ (datadotworld) $ dw configure
API token (obtained at: _
When you enter your token, a .dw/
directory will be created in your home directory and your token will be stored there.
For this tutorial, we’ll be working with a data set of information on the TV show, The Simpsons. The dataset was scraped by Tod Schenider for his post The Simpsons by the Data, for which he made the scraper available on GitHub. Kaggle user William Cukierski used the scraper to upload the data set, which was then rehosted on
If you look at the dataset page on, you can see there are four csv files in the data set:
- Every character appearing in The Simpsons
- Every episode of the The Simpsons
- Every location appearing in The Simpsons
- Each line from each script of the Simpsons
We’ll be working with this data using Python 3 and Jupyter Notebook.
First, let’s import the datadotworld
import datadotworld as dw
We’re going to use the load_dataset()
function to take a look at the data. When we use load_dataset()
for the first time, it:
Downloads the dataset from and caches it in our ~/.dw/
Returns a LocalDataset
object representing the dataset
Caching the dataset locally is a really neat feature — it allows for quicker subsequent loading, let’s you work on the data offline, ensures that your source data is the same each time you run your code, and in the future will support dataset versioning. After the first time you call load_dataset()
for a given dataset, it will load the dataset from the cached version. You can pass True
to the optional force_update
parameter if you wish to force a reload from the remote version and overwrite the changes.
has one required parameter, dataset_key
which you can extract from the URL of the data set on As an example, our simpsons data set has the URL
, which makes its ID data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data
lds = dw.load_dataset('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data')
To take a closer look at our LocalDataset
object , we can use the LocalDataset.describe()
method, which returns a JSON object.
# We use pprint as it makes our output easier to read pp.pprint(lds.describe())
{ 'homepage': '',
'name': 'data-society_the-simpsons-by-the-data',
'resources': [ { 'format': 'csv',
'name': 'simpsons_characters',
'path': 'data/simpsons_characters.csv'},
{ 'format': 'csv', 'name':
'path': 'data/simpsons_episodes.csv'},
{ 'format': 'csv',
'name': 'simpsons_locations',
'path': 'data/simpsons_locations.csv'},
{ 'format': 'csv',
'name': 'simpsons_script_lines',
'path': 'data/simpsons_script_lines.csv'}]}
Our JSON object has three key/value pairs at the top level: homepage
, name
, and resources
. resources
is a list that contains information about each file in our dataset: its name, format, and path. In the example above we can see that all four resources in this dataset are CSV files.
Along with the LocalDataset.describe()
function, there are three key attributes of our LocalDataset
object which we can use to access the data itself: LocalDataset.dataframes
, LocalDataset.tables
, and LocalDataset.raw_data
Each of these attributes work the same way, but return the data in a different format.
for i in [lds.dataframes, lds.tables, lds.raw_data]:
print(i,'n') # pprint does not workon lazy-loaded dicts
{ 'simpsons_characters': LazyLoadedValue(<pandas.DataFrame>),
'simpsons_episodes': LazyLoadedValue(<pandas.DataFrame>),
'simpsons_locations': LazyLoadedValue(<pandas.DataFrame>),
'simpsons_script_lines': LazyLoadedValue(<pandas.DataFrame>)}
{ 'simpsons_characters': LazyLoadedValue(<list of rows>),
'simpsons_episodes': LazyLoadedValue(<list of rows>),
'simpsons_locations': LazyLoadedValue(<list of rows>),
'simpsons_script_lines': LazyLoadedValue(<list of rows>)}
{ 'simpsons_characters': LazyLoadedValue(<bytes>),
'simpsons_episodes': LazyLoadedValue(<bytes>),
'simpsons_locations': LazyLoadedValue(<bytes>),
'simpsons_script_lines': LazyLoadedValue(<bytes>)}
returns a dictionary of pandas DataFrame objects, where as LocalDataset.tables
and LocalDataset.raw_data
returns the data in dictionaries of Python lists and bytes format respectively. Lists can be useful if we don’t want to use pandas, and bytes is great if we have binary data like images or database files.
Because of the power of the pandas library, let’s use LocalDataset.dataframes
to explore and have some fun with our data!
simpsons_eps = lds.dataframes['simpsons_episodes'] print(
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 600 entries, 0 to 599
Data columns (total 13 columns):
id 600 non-null int64
title 600 non-null object
original_air_date 600 non-null object
production_code 600 non-null object
season 600 non-null int64
number_in_season 600 non-null int64
number_in_series 600 non-null int64
us_viewers_in_millions 594 non-null float64
views 596 non-null float64
imdb_rating 597 non-null float64
imdb_votes 597 non-null float64
image_url 600 non-null object
video_url 600 non-null object
dtypes: float64(4), int64(4), object(5)
memory usage: 61.0+ KB
We can use the original_air_date
column to look at how episodes have trended over time. First, let’s extract the year from that column and then use pivot tables to visualize how IMDB ratings have trended over time:
simpsons_eps['original_air_date'] = pd.to_datetime(simpsons_eps['original_air_date'])
simpsons_eps['original_air_year'] = simpsons_eps['original_air_date'].dt.year
We can see here that according to IMDB raters, the quality of The Simpsons episodes were high in the first 6 years,and have been in a steady decline since then.
The second way of accessing your data using the python library is using the .query()
function, which allows you to access’s query tool.
The query()
function returns a QueryResults
object which has three attributes, similar to the attributes of the LocalDataset
object: QueryResults.dataframe
, QueryResults.table
, and QueryResults.raw_data
The query tool uses dwSQL,’s own flavor of SQL which accepts most standard SQL functions and query types. If you pass the optional querytype='sparql'
parameter to the function, it will also accept SparQL queries.
The query tool allows you to join data from multiple datasets together, as well as retrieve subsets of larger data so that you can transfer the burden of processing larger data away from your local system.
Let’s look at an example of this. simpsons_script_lines
contains 158,000 lines from Simpsons episodes. Let’s use the iPython magic command %timeit
to time two different ways of plotting a simple analysis of which characters had the most script lines:
Reading the data into pandas from a fresh LocalDataset
object before processing the data in pandas.
Using QueryResults.query()
to get’s query tool to process the data and then return us the results.
def pandas_lines_by_characters():
simpsons_script = lds.dataframes['simpsons_script_lines']
simpsons_script = simpsons_script[simpsons_script['raw_character_text'] != '']
top_10 = simpsons_script['raw_character_text'].value_counts().head(10)
%timeit -n1 -r1 pandas_lines_by_characters()
1 loop, best of 1: 33.6 s per loop
def query_lines_by_characters():
lds = dw.load_dataset('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data',force_update=True)
q ='''
count(*) as num_lines
from simpsons_script_lines
where raw_character_text != ''
group by raw_character_text
order by num_lines desc;
qr = dw.query('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data',q)
top_10 = qr.dataframe.set_index('raw_character_text').head(10)
%timeit -n1 -r1 query_lines_by_characters()
1 loop, best of 1: 2.38 s per loop
Using .query()
reduced our run time from 36 to 2 seconds - that’s a 94% reduction!
Query can also be used to join data across multiple tables in a single dataset, or even across multiple datasets. Let’s modify our characters query to compare character lines for our top characters across the first 5 seasons:
q ='''
se.season, count(*)
as num_lines
from simpsons_script_lines ssl
inner join simpsons_episodes se
on = ssl.episode_id
where ssl.raw_character_text != ''
and se.season < 6
group by
order by num_lines desc;
qr = dw.query('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data',q)
df = qr.dataframe
char_counts = df.pivot_table(index='raw_character_text',
top_10_chars = char_counts.sort_values(ascending=False).iloc[:10].index
top_10 = df[df['raw_character_text'].isin(top_10_chars)]
pivot = top_10.pivot_table(index='raw_character_text',
Using the API
In addition to load_dataset()
and query()
, the library offers a wrapper around the full API, which gives you access to a number of powerful functions that allow you to read, create and modify datasets on
To demonstrate this, let’s add the chalkboard gags from the start of each Simpsons episode to the simpsons_episodes
file. Note that you would need to be a contributor or owner to the dataset to be able to make changes using the API.
We’re going to start by pulling down a list of chalkboard gags from the web, cleaning them to be ready to joined to the main table.
# create a list of dataframes from the tables listed on,
chalkboard_dfs = pd.read_html('',match='Gag')
# remove the simpsons movie from the list
chalkboard_dfs = [i for i in chalkboard_dfs if i.shape[0] != 2]
# inspect the format of our dataframes
# the first row contains the column names, let's create a function to fix this
def cb_cleanup(df):
df.columns = df.iloc[0]
df = df.iloc[1:]
return df
# and then apply the function to the whole list
chalkboard_dfs = [cb_cleanup(i) for i in chalkboard_dfs]
# join the list of dataframes into one big dataframe
chalkboards = pd.concat(chalkboard_dfs,ignore_index=True)
# remove bad row without an id
chalkboards = chalkboards[pd.notnull(chalkboards['#'])]
(605, 5)
# remove extra columns and normalize column names
chalkboards = chalkboards[['#','Gag']]
chalkboards.columns = ['id','chalkboard_gag']
# convert id column to int
chalkboards['id'] = chalkboards['id'].astype(int)
Notice that we have named the column with the episode IDs the same as it exists in the original table, which will let us easily join the data together.
Let’s join our chalkboard quotes to the original table, and export it as a CSV.
lds = dw.load_dataset('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data')
simpsons_episodes = lds.dataframes['simpsons_episodes']
simpsons_episodes = simpsons_episodes.merge(chalkboards,how='left',on='id')
We’re almost ready to upload our modification. The following code:
Saves our revised dataframe to a CSV
Initiates a API client object
Uploads our revised CSV file, overwriting the original.
client = dw.api_client()
Currently, the API wrapper in the python library is limited to 8 methods, listed in the for the library. You can read more on how each works via the docstrings in the code for the library, as well as look at the main API documentation.
The three ways you can work with the Python library — load_dataset()
, query()
and api_client()
- give you a powerful toolset to streamline working with data.
I’d love to hear how you’re using the Python library — leave a comment below to let me know!
Thanks to for giving me advanced access to their Python Library to write this post. If you have any suggestions on how the library can be improved, you can submit issues and pull requests via the project GitHub repository
Originally published at on March 22, 2017.
When working with data, a key part of your workflow is finding and importing datasets. Being able to quickly locate data, understand it and combine it with other sources can be difficult.
One tool to help with this is, where you can search for, copy, analyze, and download datasets. In addition, you can upload your data to and use it to collaborate with others.
In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to use’s Python library to easily work with data from your python scripts or Jupyter notebooks. You’ll need to create a free account to view the data set and follow along.
The Python library allows you to bring data that’s stored in a dataset straight into your workflow, without having to first download the data locally and transform it into a format you require.
Because datasets in are stored in the format that the user originally uploaded them in, you often find great datasets that exist in a less than ideal format, such as multiple sheets of an Excel workbook, where getting them into Python can be a pain. The Python library takes this hassle away, allowing you to easily work with the data in your preferred form.
The first thing you’ll need to do is install the library, which you can do via pip:
pip install git+git://
This will install the library and all its dependent packages. One of the handy things about the library is its command line utility, which allows you to easily store your API token locally. This avoids having to put it in your scripts or notebook and have to worry about sharing your token when you share your work.
First, go to Settings > Advanced in and get your API token:
If you installed the Python library in a virtualenv or Conda env, you will need to activate that environment. Then simply run dw configure
, which will prompt you for your token:
~ (datadotworld) $ dw configure
API token (obtained at: _
When you enter your token, a .dw/
directory will be created in your home directory and your token will be stored there.
For this tutorial, we’ll be working with a data set of information on the TV show, The Simpsons. The dataset was scraped by Tod Schenider for his post The Simpsons by the Data, for which he made the scraper available on GitHub. Kaggle user William Cukierski used the scraper to upload the data set, which was then rehosted on
If you look at the dataset page on, you can see there are four csv files in the data set:
- Every character appearing in The Simpsons
- Every episode of the The Simpsons
- Every location appearing in The Simpsons
- Each line from each script of the Simpsons
We’ll be working with this data using Python 3 and Jupyter Notebook.
First, let’s import the datadotworld
import datadotworld as dw
We’re going to use the load_dataset()
function to take a look at the data. When we use load_dataset()
for the first time, it:
Downloads the dataset from and caches it in our ~/.dw/
Returns a LocalDataset
object representing the dataset
Caching the dataset locally is a really neat feature — it allows for quicker subsequent loading, let’s you work on the data offline, ensures that your source data is the same each time you run your code, and in the future will support dataset versioning. After the first time you call load_dataset()
for a given dataset, it will load the dataset from the cached version. You can pass True
to the optional force_update
parameter if you wish to force a reload from the remote version and overwrite the changes.
has one required parameter, dataset_key
which you can extract from the URL of the data set on As an example, our simpsons data set has the URL
, which makes its ID data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data
lds = dw.load_dataset('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data')
To take a closer look at our LocalDataset
object , we can use the LocalDataset.describe()
method, which returns a JSON object.
# We use pprint as it makes our output easier to read pp.pprint(lds.describe())
{ 'homepage': '',
'name': 'data-society_the-simpsons-by-the-data',
'resources': [ { 'format': 'csv',
'name': 'simpsons_characters',
'path': 'data/simpsons_characters.csv'},
{ 'format': 'csv', 'name':
'path': 'data/simpsons_episodes.csv'},
{ 'format': 'csv',
'name': 'simpsons_locations',
'path': 'data/simpsons_locations.csv'},
{ 'format': 'csv',
'name': 'simpsons_script_lines',
'path': 'data/simpsons_script_lines.csv'}]}
Our JSON object has three key/value pairs at the top level: homepage
, name
, and resources
. resources
is a list that contains information about each file in our dataset: its name, format, and path. In the example above we can see that all four resources in this dataset are CSV files.
Along with the LocalDataset.describe()
function, there are three key attributes of our LocalDataset
object which we can use to access the data itself: LocalDataset.dataframes
, LocalDataset.tables
, and LocalDataset.raw_data
Each of these attributes work the same way, but return the data in a different format.
for i in [lds.dataframes, lds.tables, lds.raw_data]:
print(i,'n') # pprint does not workon lazy-loaded dicts
{ 'simpsons_characters': LazyLoadedValue(<pandas.DataFrame>),
'simpsons_episodes': LazyLoadedValue(<pandas.DataFrame>),
'simpsons_locations': LazyLoadedValue(<pandas.DataFrame>),
'simpsons_script_lines': LazyLoadedValue(<pandas.DataFrame>)}
{ 'simpsons_characters': LazyLoadedValue(<list of rows>),
'simpsons_episodes': LazyLoadedValue(<list of rows>),
'simpsons_locations': LazyLoadedValue(<list of rows>),
'simpsons_script_lines': LazyLoadedValue(<list of rows>)}
{ 'simpsons_characters': LazyLoadedValue(<bytes>),
'simpsons_episodes': LazyLoadedValue(<bytes>),
'simpsons_locations': LazyLoadedValue(<bytes>),
'simpsons_script_lines': LazyLoadedValue(<bytes>)}
returns a dictionary of pandas DataFrame objects, where as LocalDataset.tables
and LocalDataset.raw_data
returns the data in dictionaries of Python lists and bytes format respectively. Lists can be useful if we don’t want to use pandas, and bytes is great if we have binary data like images or database files.
Because of the power of the pandas library, let’s use LocalDataset.dataframes
to explore and have some fun with our data!
simpsons_eps = lds.dataframes['simpsons_episodes'] print(
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 600 entries, 0 to 599
Data columns (total 13 columns):
id 600 non-null int64
title 600 non-null object
original_air_date 600 non-null object
production_code 600 non-null object
season 600 non-null int64
number_in_season 600 non-null int64
number_in_series 600 non-null int64
us_viewers_in_millions 594 non-null float64
views 596 non-null float64
imdb_rating 597 non-null float64
imdb_votes 597 non-null float64
image_url 600 non-null object
video_url 600 non-null object
dtypes: float64(4), int64(4), object(5)
memory usage: 61.0+ KB
We can use the original_air_date
column to look at how episodes have trended over time. First, let’s extract the year from that column and then use pivot tables to visualize how IMDB ratings have trended over time:
simpsons_eps['original_air_date'] = pd.to_datetime(simpsons_eps['original_air_date'])
simpsons_eps['original_air_year'] = simpsons_eps['original_air_date'].dt.year
We can see here that according to IMDB raters, the quality of The Simpsons episodes were high in the first 6 years,and have been in a steady decline since then.
The second way of accessing your data using the python library is using the .query()
function, which allows you to access’s query tool.
The query()
function returns a QueryResults
object which has three attributes, similar to the attributes of the LocalDataset
object: QueryResults.dataframe
, QueryResults.table
, and QueryResults.raw_data
The query tool uses dwSQL,’s own flavor of SQL which accepts most standard SQL functions and query types. If you pass the optional querytype='sparql'
parameter to the function, it will also accept SparQL queries.
The query tool allows you to join data from multiple datasets together, as well as retrieve subsets of larger data so that you can transfer the burden of processing larger data away from your local system.
Let’s look at an example of this. simpsons_script_lines
contains 158,000 lines from Simpsons episodes. Let’s use the iPython magic command %timeit
to time two different ways of plotting a simple analysis of which characters had the most script lines:
Reading the data into pandas from a fresh LocalDataset
object before processing the data in pandas.
Using QueryResults.query()
to get’s query tool to process the data and then return us the results.
def pandas_lines_by_characters():
simpsons_script = lds.dataframes['simpsons_script_lines']
simpsons_script = simpsons_script[simpsons_script['raw_character_text'] != '']
top_10 = simpsons_script['raw_character_text'].value_counts().head(10)
%timeit -n1 -r1 pandas_lines_by_characters()
1 loop, best of 1: 33.6 s per loop
def query_lines_by_characters():
lds = dw.load_dataset('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data',force_update=True)
q ='''
count(*) as num_lines
from simpsons_script_lines
where raw_character_text != ''
group by raw_character_text
order by num_lines desc;
qr = dw.query('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data',q)
top_10 = qr.dataframe.set_index('raw_character_text').head(10)
%timeit -n1 -r1 query_lines_by_characters()
1 loop, best of 1: 2.38 s per loop
Using .query()
reduced our run time from 36 to 2 seconds - that’s a 94% reduction!
Query can also be used to join data across multiple tables in a single dataset, or even across multiple datasets. Let’s modify our characters query to compare character lines for our top characters across the first 5 seasons:
q ='''
se.season, count(*)
as num_lines
from simpsons_script_lines ssl
inner join simpsons_episodes se
on = ssl.episode_id
where ssl.raw_character_text != ''
and se.season < 6
group by
order by num_lines desc;
qr = dw.query('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data',q)
df = qr.dataframe
char_counts = df.pivot_table(index='raw_character_text',
top_10_chars = char_counts.sort_values(ascending=False).iloc[:10].index
top_10 = df[df['raw_character_text'].isin(top_10_chars)]
pivot = top_10.pivot_table(index='raw_character_text',
Using the API
In addition to load_dataset()
and query()
, the library offers a wrapper around the full API, which gives you access to a number of powerful functions that allow you to read, create and modify datasets on
To demonstrate this, let’s add the chalkboard gags from the start of each Simpsons episode to the simpsons_episodes
file. Note that you would need to be a contributor or owner to the dataset to be able to make changes using the API.
We’re going to start by pulling down a list of chalkboard gags from the web, cleaning them to be ready to joined to the main table.
# create a list of dataframes from the tables listed on,
chalkboard_dfs = pd.read_html('',match='Gag')
# remove the simpsons movie from the list
chalkboard_dfs = [i for i in chalkboard_dfs if i.shape[0] != 2]
# inspect the format of our dataframes
# the first row contains the column names, let's create a function to fix this
def cb_cleanup(df):
df.columns = df.iloc[0]
df = df.iloc[1:]
return df
# and then apply the function to the whole list
chalkboard_dfs = [cb_cleanup(i) for i in chalkboard_dfs]
# join the list of dataframes into one big dataframe
chalkboards = pd.concat(chalkboard_dfs,ignore_index=True)
# remove bad row without an id
chalkboards = chalkboards[pd.notnull(chalkboards['#'])]
(605, 5)
# remove extra columns and normalize column names
chalkboards = chalkboards[['#','Gag']]
chalkboards.columns = ['id','chalkboard_gag']
# convert id column to int
chalkboards['id'] = chalkboards['id'].astype(int)
Notice that we have named the column with the episode IDs the same as it exists in the original table, which will let us easily join the data together.
Let’s join our chalkboard quotes to the original table, and export it as a CSV.
lds = dw.load_dataset('data-society/the-simpsons-by-the-data')
simpsons_episodes = lds.dataframes['simpsons_episodes']
simpsons_episodes = simpsons_episodes.merge(chalkboards,how='left',on='id')
We’re almost ready to upload our modification. The following code:
Saves our revised dataframe to a CSV
Initiates a API client object
Uploads our revised CSV file, overwriting the original.
client = dw.api_client()
Currently, the API wrapper in the python library is limited to 8 methods, listed in the for the library. You can read more on how each works via the docstrings in the code for the library, as well as look at the main API documentation.
The three ways you can work with the Python library — load_dataset()
, query()
and api_client()
- give you a powerful toolset to streamline working with data.
I’d love to hear how you’re using the Python library — leave a comment below to let me know!
Thanks to for giving me advanced access to their Python Library to write this post. If you have any suggestions on how the library can be improved, you can submit issues and pull requests via the project GitHub repository
Originally published at on March 22, 2017.
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