Digital experiences encompass more of our lives each year from Netflix binge-watching to work tools. Unfortunately with all this utility, digital threats and misuse loom larger than ever. The billions of digital records breached or stolen in 2019 and a $19B+ third-party data industry growing at record speed compound the issue. In response, consumers are pushing back. This prompts the government to pass regulations and forces companies to secure consumers' private data.

In May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect, pushing European and global companies to collect consumer consents, respect the right to privacy, to not be tracked, and to be forgotten. Companies are also responsible for providing info on how data is being used if requested by the consumer among a variety of other key rights.

And now, as of January 1st, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is in effect. Companies under the scope of this regulation collect personal information on California residents, have $25M or more in revenue, 50,000 or more consumer records collected, or 50% or more of revenue coming from the sale of data.

How can technology help?

Technology - as much as people and process - plays an important role in helping companies to mitigate risks and create trust with consumers, especially as it relates to proper management and governance of data.

For example it can help answer some of the following questions:

Typically a variety of different technologies must effectively work together to answer these questions. Data catalog and governance solutions are critical to this effort.

Figure 1: A CCPA-ready reference architecture with key technology examples for properly managing consents and personal information and managing downstream data usage, including data catalog and governance.

Data catalog supporting features

When evaluating a data catalog software for supporting your CCPA compliance strategy, consider the following key capabilities:

To learn more about how an enterprise data catalog can help you comply with CCPA and other regulations, check out this on-demand webinar.